Nutrisystem Weight Loss Program Foods

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Nutrisystem Weight Loss Program Foods

Nutrisystem meals and weight loss plans are designed to aid users in achieving their weight loss goals. Nutrisystem fields an extensive line of heat-and-eat meals that can replace your regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Nutrisystem has a number of plans available for use in controlling caloric intake.

How does the Nutrisystem program work?

When coupled with a healthy lifestyle, the Nutrisystem program is designed to help customers lose weight by providing portion-controlled meals to replace other meals that might be unhealthily portioned. While your first meals will partially depend on what meal plan you've purchased, most first packages from Nutrisystem include a full week of meals. This initial plan is called Turbo Takeoff and will introduce you to your new diet. You will have three meals a day, plus a nutritional bar and a protein shake for snacks. In addition, the Nutrisystem Daily Tracker helps you to begin tracking your progress.

How does the Lean13 Program work?

The Lean13 Program is a special Nutrisystem weight loss program. If followed strictly, it can allow you to lose 13 pounds and 7 inches in the first month. Some people who follow the plan are advertised as losing as much as 15 pounds in the first 30-day period.

Does Nutrisystem have a plan for diabetics?

Yes, they do. Their Nutrisystem-D diet gives people with type-2 diabetes foods that score low on the glycemic index. Eating certain types of healthy foods can aid in lowering and balancing blood sugar levels while simultaneously delivering complex carbs, fiber, and protein. The program also provides:

  • Assistance from certified diabetes educators.
  • A quick-start diet plan that provides a month of dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and snack food.
  • Online and printed informational materials.
Can you have caffeinated drinks while using Nutrisystem?

As long as you keep the calories down, you are free to have beverages like tea, coffee, and low-calorie energy drinks. In order to avoid going over the recommended amount of daily calories, you also should be careful to use only sugar-free creamers and sweeteners with your beverages.

Can anyone use this plan to lose weight?

While most people will be eligible to use this system, people in certain categories might want to avoid this dietary plan. Included in this list are:

  • People with allergies to peanuts, latex, or soy products.
  • Women who are pregnant.
  • People who have physician-diagnosed eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia.
  • Individuals who are suffering from an ongoing renal disease.
  • People who need a diet free of gluten.
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nutrisystem.