dogPACER LF 3.1 Treadmill for Dog

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$DogPACER® Treadmill for Large Dogs 1 to 180 lbs - 0.5 to 81 kg (MODEL: LF 3.1) What is the difference between a human treadmill and a dog treadmill? The most visible difference between a human treadmill and a canine treadmill is the length of the running area. A dog's stride is longer and his body shorter than a human. The dogPACER™ motorized and computerized dog treadmill has been engineered specifically from the smallest 1 lb (0.5 kg) dog to the largest dogs up to 179 lbs (80 kg). It was also has a patented design for folding up to store and rolls on wheels so you don't have to pick it up to move. The computer comes with pre-programmed training workouts and you can also customize your own program, all the while being able to increase or decrease the speed in the middle of a program.