Unbranded Video Game Handheld Systems

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How to Choose a Handheld Game System

Gaming is an increasingly popular pastime for people of all demographics, and there are many different games and consoles out there to suit everyone. A handheld gaming system is one that literally fits in your hands and offers a compact and portable way to play. There are many famous brands of consoles out there, including Xbox, PSP, and Game Boy, but also a wide selection of unbranded systems to choose from. These unbranded systems can offer a budget alternative that plays branded game cartridges or offers an inbuilt selection of popular titles.

What Features Do These Consoles Have?

Finding handheld game consoles can be very much like choosing a larger system, and it all depends on the type of gaming you do. In addition to games, some of these devices have other functions so if you want it for more than just video games it can be possible.

  • Size: There are a few size features to consider including screen size, memory, and console size.
  • Style: Some systems aim to resemble famous consoles like Game Boys and PSP, with others having a completely original look.
  • Software: Most of the generic branded consoles aren't cartridge based, with hundreds of titles already on the machine itself.
  • Extras: For more than just gaming, there are some consoles that have a camera, e-book reader, and media viewer for movies and TV.

Why Choose A Handheld System?

There are plenty of benefits to owning this smaller, handheld type of device over one that connects to your TV. These are just a few ways that they tend to stand out:

  • Portability: Being able to take your gaming with you is a huge benefit, ideal for people who want portable entertainment on the go, such as in waiting rooms or on road trips.
  • Size: The compact size of a handheld system is a lot more convenient than large consoles and games that take up a lot of room.
  • Versatility: The systems with games already loaded give you access to hundreds of different titles and no cartridges or discs to lose.
  • Functionality: Not only can these devices play video games, but several models can also take pictures, play music and movies, and browse the internet.
  • Price: A smaller device with smaller physical games is usually more affordable.

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