Nintendo SNES Games

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Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Games

In the early 1990s, Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in Europe, Australia, Japan, and North America. Hundreds of new games followed the release of the console, and it soon became one of the most successful gaming systems of its time. The SNES continues to be a beloved entertainment system, offering a nostalgic gaming experience. You can find used and pre-owned games for the SNES at great prices on eBay.

SNES console versions and game cartridge design

Before you purchase an SNES game, identify what console version you own. SNES games are not compatible with consoles from other regions or with newer Nintendo consoles. For example, European SNES games are not compatible with the American SNES console, and Japanese SNES games are not compatible with the European SNES console. If you are looking for a Super Nintendo for sale, look at the region first.

  • American console games - American SNES game cartridges are rectangular, contain one large memory chip, and have notched lines encasing the entire cartridge.
  • Japanese console games - Japanese SNES game cartridges have rounded edges and have two Super FX chips on either side of the larger memory chip.
  • European console games - European SNES game cartridges are physically identical to their Japanese counterparts, but they contain a regional lockout chip that prevents these cartridges from being compatible with Japanese consoles.
  • SNES Classic - Despite what its name implies, this console is a contemporary redesign of the original SNES and does not contain a slot for SNES cartridges.

SNES game genres and SNES game conditions

This classic Super Nintendo console features hundreds of unique games. There are several gaming genres to consider before making your purchase.

  • Action/Adventure - TheseSuper Nintendo games incorporate a long-term goal reached by overcoming small obstacles. Exploration, puzzles, and combat are important elements in this genre.
  • Fighting - Fighting games typically feature intense one-on-one or small group combat.
  • Sports - This genre features sports simulation games with opposing teams controlled by AI or other players.
  • Shooter - Shooter games incorporate long-range weapons to battle opponents.

Because the last SNES game was released in the year 2000, all games are considered vintage. However, there are variations of wear among these vintage games.

  • Acceptable - SNES games for sale that are in acceptable condition may not be tested. Check the item description to make sure the game has been tested. If it is in working order, this would be your most affordable option.
  • Good - Super Nintendo games for sale that are in good condition are typically used and in working condition. They may also come with original packaging and manuals. Usually, these games have been tested, but it is always a good idea to check if they have been tested before purchasing.
  • New - SNES games in new condition are a rare and exciting find. These games are untouched. They are in their original packaging and include game manuals.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo.