Women's Flapper Costumes

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Women’s Flapper Costumes

Wear a women's flapper costume and dance the Charleston in the style of the Jazz Age and "The Great Gatsby." The Roaring '20s are swinging in these stylish Halloween costumes. Choose from a variety of options and make a fashion statement at your next Halloween party.

When did the flappers start?

The transition to the style and social standard began during the late 1910s. The first appearance of the word was in a popular 1920 film "The Flapper." The costume style and clothing associated with the decade of the 1920s is from 1926. The clothing trend originated in Britain.

  • Flappers Blondie Boopadoop and Fritzi Ritz appeared in comic strips in the early 1920s.
  • A small circulation fashion magazine named The Flapper debuted in 1922.
  • Famous icon Betty Boop was not introduced until 1930 when the clothing trend had vanished.

What did flappers do?

These fashion-savvy women were rebellious. They went against the accepted standards of the time. Flappers wore what they wanted, especially cosmetics and short dresses. They even spoke their own language. They also drank and smoked cigarettes.

What is a "Flapper Jane?"

Flapper Jane is a name for all flappers. She was a young woman in her early twenties. Jane could be found listening to Jazz music in the speakeasies wearing the standard flapper outfit of a short dress, cosmetics, and a simple hat over her bobbed hair. Jane would use expressions such as "the cat's meow" and "the bee's knees."

When was the flapper dress created?

The costume style was modeled after French fashion and credited to dress styles pioneered by Coco Chanel. Young women of the 1920s gave up on wearing corsets to cinch their waists, opting for loose, often low-cut dresses that hung straight from the shoulder. Flapper costumes for Halloween highlight this look.

What is the flapper style?

  • Hair: No longer wanting to take time to care for long hair, these women cut their hair short. Their hair was work short and straight or in finger curls. Hair that was curled would be curled with a curling iron or, after the invention of the bobby pin, pin curls. They also wore newsboy caps and bell-shaped hats.
  • Dress: They wore fringe dresses that moved when they walked. Halloween flapper costumes generally focus on these fringe dresses. A dress for one of these costumes ends just below the knee. An authentic-looking flapper costume would show stockings rolled beneath and twisted below the knee. A garter would also be worn with this dress.
  • Shoes: Black Mary Janes or t-strap shoes were in fashion.
  • Makeup: They often wore bright red lipstick and black eyeliner.
  • Accessories: Costume jewelry with layers of long necklaces as well as rings, pins, and brooches were in fashion.