Collectible Holiday & Seasonal Lights Christmas 1950-1959 Time Period Manufactured

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Christmas lights 1946-1990

Christmas lights add a bright touch to a home during the holidays or as year-round décor. There are several types of Christmas lights for a number of different locations and uses, and each type offers different patterns and colors. Lights from 1946-1990 are available for a vintage feel.

What configurations do Christmas lights come in?

Depending on where you plan to place your lights, there are different configurations you can choose from. These include:

  • String lights: These are the most common type of Christmas lights. These consist of a single strand of cord with bulbs attached at set intervals.
  • Icicle lights: Icicle lights are often placed at the edges of roofs. They consist of one long strand of lights with additional strands dangling down from the main strand, resembling icicles. The strands that hang down are irregular in length.
  • Net lights: Wires are formed in a crisscross pattern to create a net of lights. These are often used to decorate bushes and shrubs.
  • Curtain lights: Curtain lights work similarly to icicle lights. However, the strands that dangle down are generally longer and are all the same length, resembling a curtain rather than icicles.
  • Rope lights: Rope lights have the bulbs encased rather than exposed. These lights are often used to line walkways.
What types of bulbs do Christmas lights use?

Along with different configurations of lights, you’ll also find different styles for the bulbs themselves, which can alter the overall look of your décor. The different types include:

  • Mini lights: These are the most common type of light. They are small and thin, often used for wrapping around Christmas trees.
  • Rice Lights: These 5mm wide angle lights are also on the smaller side but distribute light evenly. These are also used for Christmas tree wrapping as well as indoor and outdoor uses.
  • Bubble lights: These lights, released in the 1940s, feature a lamp shape and involve a liquid with a low boiling point being heated so that the light bubbles.
  • C9 Lights: These lights are on the larger side and have a retro feel to them. They are strawberry shaped, and the bulb is more visible. These are often used when lights are meant to be viewed up close.
  • Specialty lights: Lights also come in several different novelty shapes. You can find lights with bulbs shaped like snowflakes, candy canes, flowers, and more.
What wattage do you need?

The wattage of the lights you choose will depend on the maximum capacity of your home plug circuit, as well as how many other lights you are using. You generally want to avoid going over 80% of your capacity. For a typical household circuit, this means you should avoid going over 1,440 watts.

You’ll also want to consider how many strands of lights can be put together. Each type has its limits. For example, basic incandescent mini lights can have 5 strands connected together for a total of 500 lights without blowing a fuse. LED prelamped C9 lights, on the other hand, can have 87 strands to total 8700 lights.