Collectible Clothing Wringers

Take a Vintage Approach and Dry Clothes Using Antique Wringers

An antique clothes wringer provides you with a simple way to get the outfits you love dried manually by removing excess water quickly. You can find a decent range of vintage clothes wringers for sale at low-cost prices on eBay. Understanding how some of the antique washer models work and the features they have will help you find the right wringer for you.

Choosing an antique clothes washer for your needs

There are a few ways you can choose a clothes wringer that might meet your needs:

  • Model number - If your main goal is to collect antique wringers, simply going through the model numbers from brands you like might be a good start. You can get Anchor brand clothes wringers, Lovell washers, or items from the American Wringer Company.
  • Rollers - If you want to use your antique washer, the composition and number of rollers that you get with the device can tell you a bit about how you might use it. Most clothes wringers have at least two rollers stacked close together to help you flatten garments.
  • Materials - You can get unused and secondhand clothes wringers that use wooden or metal parts.
Other features of antique washers

Traditional washers for clothing usually compress garments in order to remove excess moisture. Although this method was not designed to remove all moisture from clothing and make things completely dry, it could speed up the process and make things easier. You can use your antique washer to do things other than simply removing water from your favorite outfits. Thanks to the rolling action of the clothes wringer, you can use the device to press sheets, towels, and any tablecloths you may own. If you want to straighten out any of these items and help them stay wrinkle-free, using a vintage clothes wringer might do the trick.

Can you get accessories with your clothes wringer?

Yes, you can find antique washers that come complete with accessories that might make using the items easier or more convenient for you. Here are just a couple of the things that might come with the antique clothes wringer of your choice:

  • Tub - An antique washtub wringer usually includes a traditional bucket that you can attach to the edge in order to catch the excess water you might be wringing out your garments.
  • Dryer rack - Clothes wringers are paired often with simple wooden slats that act as hanging racks that you can use to dry your clothes fully once the majority of the washing water has been removed.