Hatchimals Electronic & Interactive Toys

Hatchimals: Fun Interactive Friends for Everyone

Hatchimals toys are a unique and fun playtime addition to many children's toy boxes. You can find collectible and rare Hatchimals electronic interactive toys on eBay.

What styles do cool Hatchimals electronic interactive toys come in?

You can find a variety of styles of Hatchimals toys as well as different sizes and species of the toys. Both new and used Hatchimals interactive toys come from the original Hatchimal Mystery Hatch, Hatchimals Hatchibabies, Hatchimals Colleggtibles egg cartons and blind bags, and assorted Hatchimals playlets for the Hatchimals Colleggtibles. The original Hatchimal toys are seen in their big spotty shells and other Hatchimal toys come in smaller sizes for easy portability.

How many species of Hatchimals electronic interactive toys are there?

There are 11 species of Hatchimals. As well as different species of Hatchimals, each of the toys has its own personality, with some being shy or happy or even clumsy. The Hatchimals toys come in different colors, patterns, and eggs, showing off their unique characteristics and telling you which species of Hatchimal you are buying. Hatchimal Colleggtibles have more than 30 different species to choose from and collect, including Koalabees, Pengualas, and Swotters. The Colleggtibles are small enough to carry around and play with in Hatchimals playsets such as the Crystal Canyon Secret Scene playset or Tropical Party playset. The original eleven Hatchimals species include:

  • Pengualas and Draggles
  • Owlicorns and Burtles
  • Bearakeets and Puppadees
  • Ligulls and Deerioles
  • Giravens, Peacats, and Zuffins

The value of new and used Hatchimals electronic interactive toys

Due to their highly sought-after nature, rare, ultra-rare, and limited-edition Hatchimal toys are considered valuable collectible items that vary based on their condition. Rare Hatchimals Collectibles can be identified by their bright pink wings, and ultra-rare toys can be identified by their bright purple wings. Limited-edition Hatchimals Colleggtibles are identified by their turquoise wings. The rarer the Hatchimal is, the more it is worth.

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